RMP Residential / HVAC

RMP Residential | Ductless Heat Pumps

0.25 CEUs
Welcome to this Rocky Mountain Power eLearning training course introducing the residential HVAC incentive programs.
This course will go into detail on Ductless Heat Pumps (DHPs) and provide you with the resources to help you apply for their incentives.

# of CEU Hours: 0.25

  • Learn
  • Rocky Mountain Power Ductless Heat Pumps
  • Utah
  • Wattsmart Homes HVAC Pocket Field Guide | Utah
  • Idaho
  • Wattsmart Homes HVAC Pocket Field Guide | Idaho
  • Wyoming
  • Wattsmart Homes HVAC Pocket Field Guide | Wyoming
Completion rules
  • You must complete the units "Rocky Mountain Power Ductless Heat Pumps"
  • Leads to a certificate with a duration: 3 years